Alternate Reality Specialist

Writer - Story Teller

Creating Stories since 1968




LIMITED TIME ONLY - FREE COPY OF JASPER - Book One of the Ethan Fellows Series - Click Link to get your copy today.

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Available in Print and eBook!

Ethan Fellows planned on having a quiet weekend camping with his girlfriend after his week-long training stint with the reserves, not being captured by unknown murderous aliens. The idea of aliens had never even crossed his mind, yet now he sat  tied up with the other captives awaiting what promised to be a horrible death at their hands. It was no consolation that there was an alien among the captives, he was still going to die a horrible death. Overall, it had been a shitty weekend and it didn’t look like it was going to improve any time soon. Escape was the last thing Ethan could imagine, even when a small battered woman joined the dwindling number of prisoners.

But the small battered woman had other ideas. Along with the captive alien, Ethan finds himself rescued. But now he is faced with a new set of challenges as he must somehow traverse several hundred miles of wilderness to get himself and his unexpected companions to safety.

About the Author

Sweet, charming, innocent, delightful, harmless, and kind to small animals.

 Loves to Write

Approach with Caution