
The shadowy room offered an excellent view of the house down the street where bright lights poured from every window, illuminating the occupants within and acting as a beacon to call more individuals to join the activities. Loud music thumped out the open front door, welcoming the parade of people, human and alien alike, who passed inside to join the festivities. It was like a frat party without a college affiliation, he supposed, although he had never attended college himself and therefore had no firsthand experience.

The door opened and a man entered the dark room, but the man watching the party did not acknowledge the newcomer. Instead he continued his vigil in the shadows, observing the activities taking place in the old corner house down the block.

The newcomer cleared his throat. “Sir?”


“We have verified reports of illegal activities within the building in question.”

The man in the shadows waited.

“We have also confirmed that the translator is one of the Yosimite soldiers in attendance.”

The man in the shadows nodded absently, the news was not unexpected.

“My sources indicate that the local police have been contacted.” The newcomer shifted his stance so he too could look out the window. “Did you want us to extricate the translator before they arrive?”


“He will likely be arrested.”

“I’m sure he will. He will probably be charged with a misdemeanor offense.” The man in the shadows replied. “Sergeant Fellows can bail him out. I’m sure the army will provide him with a good lawyer.”

“The translator is an embarrassment and a security risk.” The newcomer said with distaste.

“That he is.” The man in the shadows agreed.

“He needs to be removed from his position.”

“That would be up to Umpton Is-tan.”

“When word gets out about the translator’s activities, it’s going to reflect badly on Sergeant Fellows and the coordination office.”

“It is unfortunate for Sergeant Fellows, but he was also put in his position by Is-tan.” The man in the shadows reminded the newcomer.

“The Army gives the prince too much control.”

“They want the technology Is-tan has to offer.” The man in the shadows said simply.

The newcomer shook his head as flashing red and blue joined the bright lights of the house. “There has to be another way.”

The man in the shadows turned from the window and headed toward the door. “Let me know when the translator has been taken into custody. I have paperwork to get started.”

“Yes, sir.” The newcomer watched him leave, then returned his attention to the activity at the house down the street.